Monday, July 9, 2012

June 10, 2012--Color me happy and the pool clear!

You will be happy to know that the Center for Disease Control is no longer rapping on the front door, wanting to move my kids into foster care due to our inability to keep a clean pool. We can claim a huge success this past week—the pool is clear and safe for human use. It is also, according to our dog that prefers water out of anything other than her water bowl, pretty tasty!

We worked every day for about ten days trying to bring it around. Thanks to our handy dandy new scooper net (nearly bent the pole with a few of those scoopfuls of leaves), our vacuum and lots of bleach, we’re back in business. Disclaimer: the writer of this article does not claim to be an expert in pool cleaning or anything else for that matter. Please consult your local experts if you’d like to know how it’s really done.

So now we are ready for a pool party. I love my Adirondack chairs which we relocated to the mini-deck adjacent to the pool. The only thing missing is a palm tree, which I pointed-out, in a rather obvious manner to my eldest (I’ve got a birthday quickly approaching).

Color me happy and the pool clear!

I think I mentioned that my mom has been visiting with us ever since Haedyn’s graduation, but I don’t think I mentioned how much I am loving having her here. Well, I am!

Ever since she left after her extended visit last Christmas, I have been missing her—for a lot of reason, not the least of which is her companionship. My husband travels a lot and it is so nice to have a grown-up to talk to in the evenings. I have been sick this week, so I’ve not been much fun to be around, plus Mom has started wearing a special mask to deter the germs—it’s a little off-putting (as they say in facebook-ease, “winky face”).Winking smile

As you may have guessed, I am a pretty social person. I like having people around to bounce ideas, to share the events of the day and the such. My kids are great and listen to far more than I am sure they want to—I think it’s because they’re afraid I’ll assign a chore if they get up and walk away!

Which brings me to another great thing about having her around—she is so helpful! I now see why that whole “housewife” thing caught on. They’re nice to have! Not that she does my laundry or dusting, but if I forget to defrost, I can call her and ask her to Salad_platter02take something out of the freezer. She is the queen of salad prep! She gets the salad ready—my least favorite dinner chore! (Washed and ready bags of salad were invented for me.) She also helps keep the kids on task—she reminds them of the chores they promised to accomplish. She is actually saving me a lot of frustration. I don’t know what it is about kids and summer “mush head.”


Well, in case you didn’t know the other half . . . we’d like to have her move here. So if you see her, talk-up Clarksville. Don’t tell her I wrote this . . .

NationalMap clarksville

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